Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Perfect World

"Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else." Being perfect is an impossible task if we try we fail, if we even try for just a day we fail. No one can be perfect because if you are, you are not human.  In the story
"Harrison Bergeron" we see what it is like to be a perfect being. Every one wears masks, people have these loud beepers in there ears so they can't think about anything, people are not people. If our would became like this what would happen to us?
     Everyone would be just like me and I am just like another regular person. If this happened then there is no more crime no more war, no more anything, just like in the story nothing ever goes wrong because everyone is a perfect being. Then there is no president no higher power to do anything; we would be just, brainless dumps like the people in the story because they never thought unless the government let them. They can't think for themselves they need a guide. If there is a piece of debris from space coming at us no one will stop it unless all of the people do. We would all die. Earth would fall and crumble within our hands, we would perish in a fire of all blue. Man kind would fall but, there could be one smart person and if there was we would be saved.

     If there was one smart person, just one lots of problems could be solved. That one person could teach the stupid people to think for themselves and be normal not perfect. All it takes is a person to change the world. Think of yourself as an individual.

   People want to be perfect but, being perfect makes you not you. Perfect is stupid and boring special is the best word to describe every person in the world. Everyone is special; no one is a stupid... unless, you want to be perfect.  

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