White, a brackish color. It means happy, bright, and fun filled. It can also mean scary as in a ghost and a albino thing with red eyes. Scary is what I am going at, the reason for is an albino man called "ghost boy". His name is Harold, a man of pale white, no one under stands him, not even his parents.
Albino people are night walkers as I would call them. They only go out at night because of there skin, that’s why people are afraid of them because they are out at night just walking. That’s why they are night walkers. Albinos are the freaks of the human world because no one sees them so they will pay to see them. Do you know how that would feel to be like that, it would feel awful because people pay to see you, but its what the people like interesting things its just the human nature but, its ok don’t care what people think about you because that’s what makes you a "weird person" because you take more action to make yourself not weird which makes you even more weird.
White as the snow and of the winter. He is strong as an army because he does not let people get inside of him, I admire that because he will never be sad never be angry, but that makes him inhumane
People need there emotions because it's what makes you, you. So I am saying nor black, white, or albino a person is a person no matter how weird.